We are seeking assistance in spreading this information to successfully bring Charles home safely. Please let me know if you can assist us.
83 year old Charles Gerald Polk (DOB 05/03/1937) is missing from the Englewood area. He has been diagnosed with dementia and is 5'09" tall and weighs about 120 pounds.
He has a dark tan complexion, blue eyes and medium length brown/grey hair. He was last seen wearing an unknown color t-shirt and khaki cargo shorts.
He is operating a red 2006 Chevrolet Colorado with a Florida Marine Corp specialty tag UUR5F.
Polk was last identified as being in the area of I-4 and I-275 in Tampa at around 1:35 pm on 07/15/2020. At this time he did not know exactly where he was.
Claudette Bennett
Public Information Officer
Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office
7474 Utilities Rd.
Punta Gorda, Florida 33982
Office: 941-575-5250
Cell: 941-769-4671