A new survey from a company called Leesa Sleep (* What, do they lease you a mattress?) examined the sleeping positions and personality traits of 2,000 Americans. Some of the hard-hitting findings:
Back sleepers:
– Take the least amount of time to fall asleep (20.1 minutes)
– Get the least amount of sleep a night (5.28 hours)
– Most likely to be an early bird
– Most likely to sleepwalk
– Most likely to talk in their sleep
– More often have vivid dreams or nightmares
– Prefer “Modern Family”
Side sleepers:
– Take the most amount of time to fall asleep (23.88 minutes)
– Get the most amount of sleep a night (5.78 hours)
– Most likely to be a night owl
– Most likely to be an extrovert
– Preferred TV show was “Friends”
Stomach sleepers:
– Get 5.65 hours of sleep a night
– Most likely to be both an early bird and night-owl (* talk about hedging your bets!)
– Most likely to be an ambivert
– Preferred “The Walking Dead”, “The Handmaid’s Tale” and “Stranger Things”
TM comment: Nobody even got 6 hours of sleep? These 2,000 people need to turn off their damn phones and go to bed!