Todd Matthews

Todd Matthews

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Friday's Here!

Hanging out with Gallagher!

Gordo the puppy totally wears himself out mid-playtime.

Bizarre incident in New York's Times Square isn't believed to be terrorism, but rather a man on drugs

New York's Times Square remains under heavy security after a driver mowed down nearly two dozen people and killed a Michigan teenager yesterday afternoon. Police say Richard Rojas [[ROH-hoss]] drove his car onto the sidewalk for three blocks. Rojas has a history of drunk driving convictions, mental health problems and drug abuse.

But while no alcohol was found in his system, reports suggest he may have been high on K-2, also known as synthetic marijuana. Rojas reportedly may also have been trying to force a "suicide-by-cop" confrontation, hoping officers would shoot him. Once out of the car, however, bystanders sprung into action, tackled him and held him for police.

And as New Yorkers try and return to normal, a Michigan family remains in a state of shock as 18-year-old Alyssa Elsman is dead and her 13-year-old sister, Ava, recovers. But as the Elsman family and friends grieve, they’re doing so with worldwide support. Elsman's Facebook page has been flooded with messages of condolence from people around the country – and as far away as Belgium, England and South America.

A teacher tries to explain what online dating is to her kindergarten class.

A lot of people think they’ve put on extra pounds because of their job

  • 56% of workers say they're overweight and 45% believe their job is the reason for it
  • 25% of workers gained more than 10 pounds at their current job, while 10% gained more than 20
  • Sitting at a desk most of the day is the main excuse for folks' their extra weight gain, followed by being too tired from work to exercise

A lot of people are probably coming to realization that they will have to be getting into a bathing suit soon and they aren’t exactly happy about it. Lots of folks have probably put on a few pounds during the colder months, and it seems a lot of folks are blaming that extra weight on their jobs.

According to a new CareerBuilder survey, 56% of workers say they are overweight and 45% believe their job is the reason for it. Overall, 25% of workers gained more than 10 pounds at their current job, while 10% gained more than 20.

So, what is causing all this extra job-related weight gain? Well, the biggest reasons include:

  • Sitting at a desk most of the day (51%)
  • Too tired from work to exercise (45%)
  • Eating because of stress (38%)
  • No time to exercise before or after work (38%)
  • Eating out regularly (24%)
  • Having to skip meals because of time constraints (19%)
  • Workplace celebrations (18%)
  • The temptation of the office candy jar (16%)
  • Pressure to eat food co-workers bring in (8%)
  • Happy hours (4%)

As for who's bearing the brunt, workers in Houston are the most likely to  blame weight gain on their job (57%), followed by Washington, DC (50%) and Boston, Los Angeles and Dallas (47%). As for industries, those in the financial services are the most likely to say they’ve gained weight because of work (57%), followed by healthcare, transportation and sales (50%). 

  • But it’s not as though some companies aren’t trying to help their employees. The survey finds that 28% of employees say their company offers some sort of wellness benefit, but only 63% of those people take advantage of them. Meanwhile, 64% of people say their employers offer no benefits, but if they did, 42% of those people would use them.

Source: The Business Journal

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