Photo: Alan Powdrill / Stone / Getty Images

A poll of 2,000 adults, by personalized book publishers Wonderbly, found 75% of people receive up to seven presents each year which they’ll never use. Here are the Top 40 Worst Gifts To Receive:

– (#1-10) Bad romance novels, Diet plan, Car manual, Soap on a string, Children’s toys, Cufflinks, A tie, Hankies, Aftershave, Movies you’ve already seen

– (#11-20) New map of the United States, Cleaning products, Joke books, Address books, New windshield wipers, Sports memorabilia, De-icer, Boxer underwear, Mousepad, Dressing gown

– (#21-30) Apron, Party games, A scarf, Chocolate coins, Calendars, Bath salts/bubble bath, Iron, Anti-ageing products, Potpourri, Car maintenance kit

– (#31-40) One of those packs with beer or gin with a glass to drink it out of, Crossword book, Gym membership, Hamper, Chocolate fondue set, Photo frames, Hairdryer, Knitwear, Slogan t-shirts, Novelty socks

– (#41-50) Perfume, Lingerie, Electric toothbrush, A mug, Stationary, Bottle of booze, Slippers, Toiletry kits, Electric blanket, Foot spa

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