• According to a new survey, 41% of Americans admit they put off going to the doctor.
  • The top reason they avoid it is potentially not being able to afford their treatment.
  • While 87% of people trust their healthcare provider, 48% say they felt anxious before a doctor’s appointment.
  • Source: SWNS Digital

Our health is important to most of us, but it turns out, a lot of folks aren’t getting their check-ups regularly. According to a new survey, 41% of Americans admit they put off going to the doctor, but they feel like they have really good reasons for that.

So why do people avoid going to the doctor? The poll of 2-thousand adults finds that more than half (52%) say it’s being worried they might not be able to afford treatments. The other top reasons are:

  • Anxiety about potential procedures and/or tests (40%)
  • Fear of receiving bad news or a serious diagnosis (39%)
  • Exhaustion from parenting/caretaking (39%)
  • Lengthy commute (33%)
  • Exhaustion from work (31%)
  • Fear about not being able to understand what their provider tells them (20%)
  • Fear of being judged or criticized (17%)
  • Overwhelmed about lifestyle changes they may be asked to make (16%)

The survey also finds:

  • More than a third of all respondents haven’t been to the doctor in the last five years, including 38% of 26- to 34-year-olds and 39% of 35- to 54-year-olds.
  • Nearly half (48%) admit that they felt anxious before going to a doctor’s appointment, despite the fact that 87% of all respondents saying they trust their healthcare provider.
  • Reasons people say they feel anxious about seeing the doctor include not having enough information to prepare them for the visit (48%), being concerned about what they might find out at the appointment (50%) and being afraid to ask their healthcare provider about their health condition or symptoms (46%).

Source: SWNS Digital

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