• A Reddit thread asks, “Okay, Millennials, there’s been plenty of discussion about what we miss from the days of yore, but what are some things you DON'T miss?”
  • That Redditor kicked things off by sharing, "Smoking ... I'm happy that smoking is currently regarded as a dirty habit, and it's no longer acceptable to smoke around young children."
  • Other things people definitely don’t miss from the 90s include “having only one computer for a household,” “the old boxy TVs” and "Not being able to easily fact-check things or look up a shower thought.”
  • Source: Reddit

Lots of people look back on the time they were growing up as the best decade ever, but we have gotten used to a lot of modern conveniences that make life now a whole lot better. A Redditor has people appreciating those things by asking, “Okay, Millennials, there’s been plenty of discussion about what we miss from the days of yore, but what are some things you DON'T miss?”

These are some of the most relatable responses:

  • "Smoking. I'm 40, and old enough to remember when smoking was legal in public buildings. I'm happy that smoking is currently regarded as a dirty habit, and it's no longer acceptable to smoke around young children."
  • "Only having one computer for a household!"
  • "Calling my friends' house and having to ask their parents if they're home first, and then maybe some weird small talk."
  • "Honestly? The fashion in the late '90s."
  • "Dial-up Internet."
  • "Having to get off the Internet because your mom is expecting a phone call."
  • "Yeah, one of my biggest 'back in may day' things on this is remembering how I discovered the MTV website in the summer of 1996, which had 'videos' you could watch. I sat there for over an hour waiting for one to load over our 14.4 modem only for it to end up being the last 30 seconds of the video, incredibly pixelated, and about the size of a postage stamp."
  • "Having to rewind your VHS tapes. Pain in the *ss."
  • "Portable CD players. The CD would scratch, and the music would skip. You had to hold the CD player perfectly still to hear music clearly. I'm so glad I don't have to worry about that anymore."
  • "The old boxy TVs."
  • "Having to follow the paper map and/or read printed out MapQuest directions while my mom drove on a road trip. I love GPS! Life-changing!!!"
  • "Having to worry if my parents or little brother are listening to my phone call from another landline."
  • "I don't miss that if you missed something on live TV, you just never saw it...that was a bummer."
  • "Casual homophobia."
  • "Not being able to reserve things online like tables at restaurants, oil changes, haircuts, etc. You had to actually CALL and talk to a PERSON, and I don't miss it one d*mn bit!"
  • And finally: "Not being able to easily fact-check things or look up a shower thought. The amount of bs we just took as truth because a couple of people told you was true and turned out to be bulls*it was way too high."

Source: Reddit

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