Folks Are Revealing Common Debunked Myths That People Still Believe

Folks Are Revealing Common Debunked Myths That People Still Believe

May 03, 2021

  • The Bottom Line:Someone on Reddit asked, “What is a common myth that has been debunked but too many people still believe?”
  • Such myths include popping your knuckles cause arthritis, and coffee can stunt your growth
  • Also, you have to wait to swim after you eat, and hair grows back thicker after you shave it
  • Source: BuzzFeed

The Full Story:

Growing up there are things we are told that we just accept as fact, but as we get older we discover they are just myths that aren’t really true. But there are ones that even though they’ve been disproven, plenty of people still believe, and now some folks are calling them out.

It all started when someone on Reddit asked, “What is a common myth that has been debunked but too many people still believe?” Plenty of folks chimed in, and we bet a lot of folks still belive them.

Common myths include:

  • "Popping your knuckles is actually harmless and the study that claimed it caused arthritis was heavily flawed. Studies now show that it has nothing to do with causing arthritis."
  • "It's a myth that there's a dye in pool water that detects urine."
  • "It's not true that we only use 10% of our brain."
  • "Swallowed gum does NOT remain in your stomach for seven years."
  • "Shaving doesn't really make hair grow back thicker."


  • "It's a myth that you swallow eight spiders a year in your sleep."
  • "It's a myth that you shouldn't go swimming shortly after eating."
  • "Our blood isn't actually blue before being exposed to oxygen."
  • “Coffee does not stunt growth."
  • "You don't actually need to wait 24 hours before reporting a missing person."
  • "It's a myth that dogs have cleaner mouths than humans."
  • Admit it, you still wait a bit to swim after you’ve eaten…
  • What myths do you still believe from growing up that probably aren’t true? Are you shocked by any of these revelations?
  • What are some things your parents told you as a kid that you later found out were a total lie? Parents, do you lie to your kids about things to get them to do what you want?

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