Holiday Tipping Guide


Here are some guidelines for whom to tip for the holidays and how much, thanks to the experts at The Emily Post Institute.

– Hairstylists and barbers: tip up to the cost of one visit. Unless you shell out several hundred dollars per visit at a salon for a cut, color and highlight. (* In that case, they should tip you.)

– Au pair or live-in nanny: Up to one week’s pay.

– Regular babysitter: Up to one evening’s pay.

– Daycare provider: $25 for each staff member who works with your little angel; up to $70 if your kid is real pain in the rear.

– Doorman: $15 to $80 each.

– Superintendent: $20 to $80.

– Elevator operator: $15 to $40 each. (* This includes even total strangers who push the button for you when your hands are full.)

– Handyman: $15 to $40. (* Not-so-Handyman: 25 cents. Overly Handsy-man, call the authorities.)

– Regular cleaner: Up to one week’s pay and/or a small gift.

– Live-in help: Up to one week to one month of pay, plus a gift (* and an apology for needing live-in help.)

– Dog walker: Up to one week’s pay.

– Groomer: Up to the cost of one session.

– Garbage collection crew: $10 to $30 each.

– Personal trainer or regular massage therapist: up to the cost of one session.

– Newspaper delivery person: $10 to $30. (* If you get the paper digitally, send a check to the paper’s IT person.)

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