People tell Their Weirdest Coronavirus Panic Purchases

Coronavirus Pandemic Causes Climate Of Anxiety And Changing Routines In America

People Confess Their Weirdest Coronavirus Panic Purchase

March 17, 20

While many of us are now working from home with businesses and schools across the country closing to help stop the spread of the coronavirus, people are stocking up at the stores. And it seems some people seem to forget what they need or even want when they’re filling their carts. Delish took to Instagram to ask what people’s weirdest panic purchases have been and they were happy to confess. Here are some of the funniest:

  • “A case of Spam” for a man who hasn’t eaten the stuff in over 34 years.
  • “A 30-pack of eggs” which isn’t so bad, except she already had two dozen at home.
  • A mom of three bought “eight massive bottles of ketchup” because she says, “I can’t go through the apocalypse with three kids and not have ketchup.”
  • Pop-Tarts for a woman who admits she hasn’t eaten them since she was a child.
  • One woman stocked up on Chef Boyardee even though she hasn’t eaten that since the early ‘90s and she’s “sure it will live in my pantry until the zombie apocalypse.”
  • A bag of potatoes for a woman who “doesn’t really even eat potatoes.”
  • Not one, but three tubs of hummus, even though “no one even likes it” in her house.
  • A well-prepared person “bought five different types of juices in case I need a mimosa bar.”
  • And one shopper found “There was no toilet paper, so I got wine and doughnuts.”


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