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Bride’s Ad On Craigslist Offers $1K To Be Mother-In-Law’s Wedding Date

Father Of  The Bride Toasting Champagne At Wedding

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Bride’s Ad On Craigslist Offers $1K To Be Mother-In-Law’s Wedding Date

  • A bride-to-be is looking to hire a wedding date for her mother-in-law to “distract” her at the event.
  • She posted an ad on Craigslist offering $1,000 for the guy who can give “constant attention and supervision,” noting her groom’s mom will “probably try to wear white and escalate small dramas.”
  • Job requirements include being 40 to 60 years old, pretending to be an interested guest, dancing well, wearing a suit and “experience with narcissists is a plus.”
  • Source: Brides

Some people marry into families and get blessed with extra family members who are loving, while others get stuck with an in-law who seems dedicated to making their life miserable. Sometimes they don’t find out until it’s too late, but one bride-to-be is aware of her husband’s mother’s potential destructive ways and she’s going to extremes to keep her under control.

Her way of handling it? Hiring a date to watch her future mother-in-law at the wedding. The unnamed bride posted an ad on Craigslist looking for a date to distract her husband’s mom during the wedding weekend.

The ad was recently posted on Reddit’s “Best of Craigslist” thread for the August nuptials in Hudson Valley, New York.

  • “She needs constant attention and supervision,” the bride-to-be writes. “She will probably wear white and try to escalate small dramas—your job is simply to distract and de-escalate.”
  • The “simple” job will take place over two days and the bride is even offering to give the date background info and conversation topics.
  • The right man for the job will be between 40 and 60 years old, be able to hold a conversation, dance well, de-escalate conflicts, pretend to be an interested guest and wear a suit.
  • The bride-to-be notes that “experience with narcissists is a plus.”
  • While this may sound like a lot to ask of a blind date, the guy will get paid $1,000, plus free accommodations, travel and food during their stay.
  • Interested candidates will need to send in a photo and a blurb about their qualifications, and the bride will run a background check for safety.

Source: Brides

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