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Half Of Americans Wish Holiday Season Was Longer
December 02, 2022
Half of Americans say there’s not enough time during the holiday season to do everything they want to do, so they wish it was longer, according to new research.
- A survey about how adults spend their time during the holidays finds 74% say prepping for the holidays puts them in a good mood.
- But holiday chores take up a lot of time, with respondents spending an average of 30 hours on tasks like planning, wrapping presents and shoveling snow.
- Source: SWNS Digital
Do you feel like there’s not enough time in the holidays to do all the things you want to do? You’re in good company, as half of Americans (52%) share that feeling, according to new research. A new survey asks U.S. adults about how they spend their time during the holiday season and finds that 52% try to squeeze in as many holiday-related activities as possible.
The poll of 2-thousand also reveals:
- In order to have time to get to do everything they want to do, half of respondents (54%) wish the holiday season lasted longer. Two extra weeks would be enough for 59%, while the other 41% say they wouldn’t mind if the holidays lasted even longer.
- It starts feeling like the holiday season in November for 44%, but 35% say they feel the excitement of the holidays as early as September and October.
- Nearly three-quarters of those polled say prepping for the holidays puts them in a good mood.
- But holiday chores take up a lot of time, as people say they spend an average of 30 hours on tasks like planning, wrapping presents and shoveling snow.
- That may be why about two-thirds (65%) of respondents say keeping up with the holiday season takes a lot of energy and 60% say they’re busier this time of year than the rest of the year.
- Some people have unique holiday traditions with their families, including “wearing costumes on Christmas morning,” putting “a candle in a scoop of ice cream and whoever’s candle burns the longest opens the first present.”
- But most people surveyed still enjoy holiday classics like eating and drinking their favorite holiday treats (72%), shopping for presents for loved ones (70%) and watching holiday movies (65%).
Source: SWNS Digital