How to place a complicated (translation: PITA) coffee order, and hold the saliva!
You probably heard about the ridiculous Starbucks order a barista shared on TikTok, in which a man ordered a drink with 14 additions to a Caramel Crunch Frappuccino. While the order prompted baristas to share their complaints about customized orders, Starbucks doubled down on letting customers order what they want.
While detailed orders like this one are bound to anger hard working baristas, if you really want to customize your drink, there are ways to go about doing so that may help you avoid the wrath of those making your drinks.
According to baristas, here’s what you should be doing if you don’t want to tick them off with your customized order:
- Order online, but still remember to be patient– Mobile orders are the best way to order a complicated drink, because the customer can be clear about what they want, and the barista gets “more of a heads up about your order.” But, the baristas note you still need to be patient, and recognize they still need time to make your drink and it won’t be done immediately.
- Get specific about ingredients if you order off menu– While TikTok may introduce you to a variety of new drinks, baristas don’t necessarily know the ingredients of those concoctions, so know what’s in them and order accordingly. Telling them the “cinnamon toast” drink doesn’t mean squat since they probably don’t know the ingredients.
- Make requests, not demands– Give the baristsa a warning if you’re about to give them a complicated order so they’ll be ready to pay more attention. And it’s always nice to ask for your drink, not demand they get it for you.
- If there’s a mistake, politely ask for a drink to be remade- When drinks are complicated mistakes happen, and baristas are happy to remake them…just ask nicely.
- Let the barista know when a drink is good– It can’t hurt to let a barista know when they knocked it out of the park.
- Tip regardless of what you ordered– Baristas recommend a dollar per drink, regardless of what you order, and know that they notice when you tip…or don’t tip.
Source:Huffington Post