From BuzzFeed writer Kevin Smith, here are 24 Things Guys Can Do To Instantly Become More Attractive:
1. Iron or steam your clothes.
2. Ditch the boxers, wear boxer briefs.
3. Find a good tailor.
4. Make sure all your clothes fit.
5. Slim down your jeans.
6. Wear the right socks with the right shoes. Stop wearing white socks with everything.
7. Clean your shoes and get them polished.
8. Cut your nails.
9. Get a haircut.
10. Don’t be afraid to pluck awkward hairs.
11. Shave your neck.
12. If you can’t grow a beard, then don’t.
13. Moisturize everywhere.
14. Invest in Chapstick.
15. Find a scent that works for you.
16. Take charge – sometimes. It shows the other person that you’re actually putting in an effort.
17. Don’t answer texts while you’re on a date.
18. Up your communication skills.
19. Share your feelings.
20. Stay caught up on the news.
21. Know how to cook.
22. If they cook, you do the dishes.
23. Keep your room clean.
24. Change your sheets.