Todd Matthews

Todd Matthews

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Wednesday October 3rd, 2018

Thanks to all who attended the 35th, annual, North Port Night Out!  We sure had a great time, and learned a lot of new things too!

Long story short, Parent's  Confessional this morning featured a mom who threw the F-bomb at her 12  year old daughter!  As penance, we recommend watching every episode of  every season of The Sopranos...censored (that shouldn't take long)!  Which reminded us of a funny Sopranos ripoff video. CAUTION:  it's squeaky clean until the end where there's one naughty word at the let's label this PG-13 and NSFW!!!

Horse Has Some Fun With A Leaf Blower

Bizarre Things People Do To Save Money

 Cheapskates reveal how they stop themselves from spending money they don’t have to

  • Folks are opening up to Vice about the hilarious, and often bizarre things they do to save money
  • One person only buys meat on Sunday nights, while one person fills  plastic bottles with soap from the gym, and another person washes out  paper towels 
  • One person actually reuses water

There’s nothing wrong with trying to save money anywhere you can, but  it turns out there are some people who take things a bit too far. Just  how crazy can folks get with the penny pinching? Well, some savers are  opening up to Vice about the hilarious, and often bizarre, things  they’ve done to save a few bucks, and some of them may shock you.

Bizarre ways people have saved money include:

  • “I cut open my face wash and moisturizer to get every last drop because that stuff is $$$$.”
  • “(Purchase) meat at the grocery store on a Sunday night. They tend  to stock up before the weekend but by Sunday everyone has what they are  going to grill and such; what remains must be sold, at a big discount  too.”
  • “Save old water from washing fruits/rice and use to water plants.”
  • “My wife cuts my hair; sometimes I have the kids use my bathwater;  I’ll drive up to 4 hours to a different airport for a cheaper ticket; I  rarely eat out and when I do it's carryout, no matter the restaurant, to  avoid the 20 percent tip.”
  • "I bring an empty plastic bottle with me when I go to the gym and  fill it up with the hand soap inside the gym’s bathroom. Saves me money  on soap and it so happens I love the smell."
  • "Instead of buying plastic containers, I wash and reuse empty ice cream or butter containers for storage."
  • “My friend Jay and I in our club-going days used to hide our coats  in an alley near this club, rather than pay the $1 coat-check fee."
  • “If the paper towel isn’t too dirty, I’ll rinse and hang it out to dry so I can reuse it.”
  • “Every time I go to any fast food place and they dump your bag full  up ketchup or other condiments, I save all of them so I can use them  later." 

Click here for more hilarious ways people save money.Source: Vice

Survey Reveals What’s Really On Kids Minds

  •  “Highlights” releases their 10th annual State of the Kid survey

  • "Highlights’" 10th annual State of the Kid reveals the truth about what kids have on their minds
  • 31% of those surveyed say being a kid is hard/not easy, while 79% say they have worries
  • 11% of kids are worried about violence and kid safety, and 35% of those kids str specifically worried about school gun violence
  • 90% of kids believe adults care about what they have to say, with 59% believing the world at large cares

While some adults may think a good kid is a quiet kid, children these  days have a lot on their minds, and a new survey reveals just what  those things are. "Highlights’" 10th annual State of the Kid gives us  insight into what kids are thinking and feeling, and maybe it's time  parents start listening up. 

First off, kids have a lot of concerns these days.

  • The poll finds that 31% of kids say being a kid is hard/not easy, while 79% say they have worries.
  • As for what they worry most about, 16% say it’s family, friends and  loved ones, while 11% are worried about violence and kid safety, with  35% of those kids specifically worried about school gun violence.
  • Interestingly, only 12% of kids say they are worried about school performance, which is a drop from 23% in 2009.

But is anyone really listening to these kids’ worries? Well, children  think so. In fact, 90% of kids believe adults care about what they have  to say, with 59% believing the world at large cares. And if they don’t,  kids have no problem taking things into their own hand. Overall,  93%  of kids say they would take some sort of action if they see someone  doing or saying something mean, with 23% willing to try and handle it on  their own. What’s more, 17% of kids say the “superpower” they’d most  like to have is the ability to help others.

  • ONE MORE THING! When it comes to what they  value in themselves, the attributes are different for boys and girls.  It seems the attribute girls most value is their own appearance (19%),  as compared to only 10% of boys. Meanwhile, 26% of boys most value their  intelligence, something only 17% of girls value.

Source: Highlights

Even kids' shows need crackin' drummers...and this drummer obviously needs the gig. Win WIN!

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