Doctors thought she might not survive, but after 8 months in the hospital, a Florida teen regained her health and is graduating on schedule.
She thought it was just a cold, but Jenny Spell actually had the flu. And it hit her so hard, the Florida teen was admitted to the hospital, where doctors told her mom she might not make it through the night. She did make it that night, but her internal organs were affected, so her heart couldn’t pump properly and her lungs couldn’t absorb oxygen.
Eventually, Spell did get better, but she stayed in the hospital for 241 days. But this girl is a fighter and she worked to regain strength, learned to walk again, and had a kidney transplant. And the whole time, she took classes online so she could still graduate on time with her class.
Her doctors credit her perseverance and drive with helping her recover. Spell finally returned to high school and was even crowned homecoming queen. And she recently got her diploma and will attend the University of Florida this fall, majoring in pre-pharmacy. “It’s a miracle I’m here today,” she says. “So, I’m going to make the most of it!” Congratulations, Jenny!
Source: People
- Family gets into a brawl at Waffle House
- Woman calls 911 over her chicken nugget wait
- FBI searching for Dollar Store Bandit
- Family gets into a brawl at Waffle House: The Shivers family is not exactly classy. Five female relatives were arrested after they got into an early morning brawl at....Waffle House. It's unclear what caused the Mannheim Township, Pennsylvania fight, but video of the incident shows there was hair pulling utensil, chucking, and more. All five women, ranging in age from 25 to 56, are facing a disorderly conduct.
- Woman calls 911 over her chicken nugget wait: Police in Waco, Texas had an unusual call on their hands when a McDonald's employee called 911 over a customer refusing to leave the drive-thru. Why? She wanted her food for free after she was made to wait too long for her chicken nuggets. What's more, the unidentified woman also called 911, but she just wanted to complain about her wait and get some free food. Authorities responded and gave the hungry customer her money back...but no nuggets. Source: Associated Press
- FBI searching for Dollar Store Bandit: The FBI is on the hunt for someone who doesn't believe in going big or going home. An unidentified man is in the midst of a rash of Dollar Tree store robberies. So far, he's hit nine stores across the country, earning himself the nickname the Dollar Store Grandpa Bandit. No word on how much money he's made off with, but he allegedly forces employees into back room with a weapon after getting them to empty the registers and the safe. They say he then takes their cell phones so they can't call the cops. So he may look like a nice grandpa, but he's one creepy jerk. Source: WXYZ
By the way, if you wanted to see footage of the above mentioned Waffle House catfight, here it is!
I guess they don't like waffles!
The Dumbest Things Retail Workers Have Been Asked On The Job
A new Whisper thread has folks in retail revealing the stupid questions customers ask them on the job
- Retail workers have taken to the anonymous Whisper app to share the dumbest questions they’ve ever been asked while on the job
- One worker was asked to hold a kid while someone shopped, while a person actually asked why their iced coffee was cold
- Another was asked what French fries were made of, while one person asked if there were onions in onion rings
Anyone who’s ever worked in retail knows it’s a thankless job. All too often, these folks have to deal with rude customers or, at the least, ones that are not at all thankful for the help being provided to them.
And then there are the customers that are just plain dumb. Yes, some shoppers are just totally clueless in stores, and retail workers have seen and heard it all. In fact, many have taken to the anonymous Whisper app to share the dumbest questions they’ve ever been asked while on the job, and it will no doubt leave you shaking your head.
Some of the dumbest things retail workers have been asked include:
- “A customer asked if she could take home the clothes and try then on and bring them back to pay. We have fitting rooms. That’s basically stealing.”
- “Legit customer asked me where she could find jeans while standing next to the large wall filled with jeans.”
- “While at work a customer asked me if I could hold this while she shopped. Her ‘this” was her infant.”
- “I work at McDonald’s. One customer asked me why her iced coffee was cold.”
- “This customer asked me if she could get a large size smoothie in a small size cup. I weep for humanity.”
- “Today a customer asked me for a side of those little green trees, he was talking about broccoli.”
- “When I worked delivery, a customer asked me why we needed their address. Because I don’t know where to deliver it otherwise you stupid twit.”
- “A customer asked if we have vegetarian coffee.”
- “A customer asked me if we could take out the tomato from the tomato basil bread. When it told her it was ‘infused’ with it, she told me to ‘diffuse’ it.”
- “A customer asked once if a quesadilla comes with cheese.”
- “Today a customer asked me how big our gallon jugs were…why.”
- “Today at work someone asked me what our French fries were made of.”
- “I’m at work and a woman just asked me if onion rings had onion in them.”
Source: Whisper
The friendliest UPS man stops to talk selfies with a customer's dogs.
A list of things that moms never hear from their kids, even though they'd like to.
Little girl is totally caught re-handed... well, red-faced.